Song and Gospel
Sunday XVII following the Trinity from 14 to 19 October 2019
« God does justice to his people »
Introduction: God does justice to his people because he loves justice and loves his people. In fact, people demand justice because they are victims of
iniquity, which is injustice. The justice that God gives to His people is that He justifies his faith and fulfills His promises. So, although the trials that the people of God endure may be severe because of injustice, God gives them reason and justifies them, for He is the Just God (Rev.19: 1) and the God of love (1 John 4:16). Truly, it is written: « For the Lord loves justice and does not abandon his saints » Ps.37: 28a. His people are all who do his will, do his work and trust Him. It is through his jealousy that God does justice to His people, because He is with Him, He takes His side, strengthens him and makes him win in all his battles. Indeed, every one of all men of God leads his fight, which is the « fight of faith, » but he wins because God is fighting for him (Isa.49:25b), and his faith is strong because that He is « the Head and the Consumer » He.12: 2. And nothing can prevent the action of faith, for it triumphs over all things, that is, sin (1 John 3: 9), the devil and his iniquitous works (Luke 10:19), the world and its customs (1 Jn.5: 4). So, he gives all his people confidence, saying, « Fear not, for I am with you; Do not look anxiously, for I am your God; I strengthen you, I come to your help, I support you with my triumphant right hand. Behold, they shall be ashamed, they shall be covered with sham, all who are angry with you; They will be reduced to nothing, they will perish, … For I am the Lord your God, strengthen your right hand, who says to you: Fear nothing, I come to your help » Isa.41: 10-13, which means « I will do you justice. » It is a
word that will be catched by faith, because the people of God live by faith (Heb 10:38), fight and overcome by faith (Heb.11: 6). It is on the day of battle that the Lord gives justice to his people; according to the statement of Jesus: « You will have tribulations in the world; but take courage, I have conquered the world « Jn.16: 33b.
Monday 14: God does justice to his people.
« He will exalt the horn of his anointed » 1 Sam.2:10d.
Reading 1: 1 Cor.1: 26-31. Reading 2: 1 Sam.2: 1-10. Preaching 1 (as desired). Preaching 2: 1 Sam.2: 10.
Introduction: Because of his name and his jealousy, the Lord does not allow his elected ones to be confused, but responds to tehm for justice.
For the work of those who serve him is not vain (1 Corinthians 15:58). Indeed, he said, « And you will again see the difference between the
righteous and the wicked, between the one who serves God and the one who does not serve him », « But for you who fear my name, will rise up
the sun from justice, and healing will be under his wings » Mal.3: 18,20.
Tuesday 15: God does justice to the good-natured.
« Walk in all humility and gentleness, supporting one another with charity » Eph.4: 1,2.
Reading 1: Ps. 10: 10-18. Reading 2: Eph.4: 1-6. Preaching 1 (as desired). Preaching 2: Eph.4: 1-2.
Introduction: The psalmist says: « But the meek will inherit the earth and will enjoy the abundance of peace » Ps.37:11. The good-natured are
those who are gentle and who do not avenge evil with evil, nor curse anyone, but plead their cause in the Lord of vengeance, who judges and
governs all things. He comforts his people who are treated unjustly by saying through the psalmist: « Say your lot to the Lord, trust in Him,
and He will act on. He will show your righteousness as the light, and your right as the sun at its noon » Ps 37: 5-6.
Wednesday 16: God gives justice to the humble.
« For whoever rises will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be lifted up » Luke 14:11.
Reading 1: Job 42: 1-10. Reading 2: Luke 14: 1-11. Preaching 1 (as desired). Preaching 2: Luke 14:11.
Introduction: Humility is a divine quality. The apostle Paul said about Jesus: « He stripped himself, taking a form of servant, becoming like
men; and having appeared as a simple man » Phil.2:7. God gives justice and exaltation to the humble ones who lower themselves to give Him
glory. Indeed, the Apostle Peter urged: « Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that he may lift you up in due time » (1 Pet. 5: 6).
Thursday 17: God does justice to his people who cry to him.
« And God will not do justice to his chosen ones, who cry to him day and night? » Lk.18: 7a.
Reading 1: Es.62: 6-12. Reading 2: Lu.18: 1-7. Preaching 1 (as desired). Preaching 2: Lu.18: 7.
Introduction: The complaints of his people are not a little matter for God. In time, He said to Moses: « Behold, the cries of Israel have come
to me, and I have seen the oppression that the Egyptians cause them to suffer. Now, go, I will send you to Pharaoh, and you shall bring my
people out of Egypt, the children of Israel » Exodus 3: 9-10. The psalmist has given this assurance: « He fulfills the desires of those who fear
him, He hears their cry and He saves them » Ps.145:19. Indeed He said: « And call on me in the day of trouble; deliver you, and you will
glorify me » Ps. 50:15.
Friday 19: Jesus Christ, justice for believers.
« For Christ is the end of the law, for the justification of all who believe » Rom.10: 4.
Reading 1: Hey 7: 20-25. Reading 2: Rom.10: 1-10. Preaching 1 (as desired). Preaching 2: Rom.10: 1-4.
Introduction: Because we are all sinners, « There is no righteous, not even one » Rom.3: 10. This is why God the Father justified us by faith in
Jesus Christ His Son so that we may succeed in his eyes (Rom.3: 38), and inherit his kingdom (Rom.8:17). As a result, « Who will accuse the
elect of God? Who will condemn them? Christ is dead, more, He is risen, He is at the right hand of God, and He intercedes for us! » Rom.8:
Saturday 20: God does justice to those who wait for him.
« And those who hope in the Lord will possess the land » Ps.37:9b.
Reading 1: Jn 16: 23-33. Reading 2: Ps. 37: 1-9. Preaching 1 (as desired). Preaching 2: Ps.37: 8-9.
Introduction: « Waiting for the Lord » is trusting him, trusting that He answers. He gave great assurance that whoever believes in him will not
be confused (1 Peter 2:6). He can not be defeated, for it is written: « But those who trust in the Lord renew their strength. They take flight like
eagles; They run, and never tire, They walk, and do not tire themselves » Isa.40:31. Jesus said: »Behold, I come soon, and my reward is with
me » Rev.22:10. In truth, He does justice to those who believe in Him.
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