The basic idea: Revival is alive, powerful and enduring when it is founded, united and remains attached to the foundation on which God built it. It is written : « Look upon the rock from which you were cut, on the hollow of the pit from which you were drawn » (Isa.51: 1b).

The points dealt with:

1. If we refer to history, it is through the Raiamandreny (founding fathers) that God raised, that the work of the Revival in Madagascar was founded and accomplished, mainly during times of tribulations that the country has crossed: Dada Rainisoalambo Toby Soatanàna 1894-1904 (Plague 1895 and colonization 1896), Neny Ravelonjanahary Toby Manolotrony 1900-1971 (Insurrection of Menalamba 1900), Mama Volahavana Germaine Nenilava Toby Ankaramalaza 1941-1998 (Second World War 1939-1945 and invasion of the English 1942), Dadatoa Rakotozandry Daniel Toby Farihimena 1946-1947 (Persecution of the Malagasy patriots 1947).

2. They are the original pioneers and builders, because it is with them that Jesus made a covenant and it is to them that Jesus gave the promises, from which all successive descendants will inherit, according to what is written: – « All the nations of the earth will want to be blessed in your seed because you have obeyed my voice » (Gen.22: 18). – “And it is only to your fathers that the Lord was attached to love them; and, after them, it is their posterity, it is you whom he has chosen from among all peoples, as you see today ” (De.10: 15). – « Behold, my covenant with them, saith the LORD, my Spirit which rests on thee, and my words which I have put into your mouth, will not depart from your mouth, nor from the mouth of your children, neither from the mouths of your children’s children, says the Lord, from now and forevermore ”(Isa.59: 21).

3. They are the foundation stones of the Revival and its works, and the instruments of grace for the church. They are also prophets carrying the message of God, and priests who pray and intercede for the forgiveness of the country and the nation, even for the multitude throughout the world, therefore « conduits of blessing » and « instruments of salvation In the days of distress. Indeed, it is written: – « You, on the contrary, you are an elected race, » a royal priesthood, a holy nation « (Ex.19: 6), an acquired people, so that you proclaim the virtues of the one who called you from darkness to his wonderful light ” (1 Pi.2: 9). – « Know that in the last days there will be difficult times » (2 Ti.3: 1). – « Because you have kept the word of perseverance in me, I will also keep you at the hour of temptation which will come to the whole world, to test the inhabitants of the earth » (Rev.3: 10).

4. It is the Word of God, that is to say the Holy Scriptures, which founds the Revival and its Teachings according to what Jesus dictated by the Raiamandreny, as well as the Apostle Paul who declared: « You have been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the cornerstone” (Eph.2: 20).

5. Revival is the work of the Holy Spirit: – « But you will receive a power, the Holy Spirit coming upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth » (Ac.1: 8). – « And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages as the Spirit gave them to express themselves » (Ac.2: 4).

6. It is an endogenous work of Madagascar, without any copy of what is done outside: – « For the islands hope in me » (Isa.60: 9a). – « I came to throw a fire on the ground and what did I wish, if it is already lit? « (Lu.12: 49), but which is nevertheless intended to extend to the ends of the earth: – « For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord, like the bottom of the sea by the waters that cover it » (Isa.11: 9b). – « Go, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all that I have commanded you » (Mt.28: 19-20a) . – « Then he said to them: go by everyone, and preach the Good News to all creation » (Mk.16: 15).

7. Revival is the work of the Word of the Living God who knows no hindrance: « For the Word of God is not bound » (2 Ti.2: 9b), which produces without ceases and in a sustainable manner. Jesus said, “It was not you who chose me; but I have chosen you, and I have established you, that you may go, and bear fruit, and that your fruit may remain, so that what you ask of the Father in my name, he may give to you ”( Jn.15: 16). Let us remember Abel’s faith, « It is through him that he still speaks, though dead » (Hebrews 11: 4b).

8. The message: respect the Raiamandreny and keep the Teaching that they have deposited, of which you are custodians and do not allow their memory to disappear. The Apostle Paul said: « Honor your father and your mother (this is the first commandment with a promise), so that you may be happy and that you will live long on earth – Deut.5:16 » (Ep.6 : 2-3), « Do not look worriedly » (Isa.41: 10a), but « Remain firm, and hold back the instructions which you have received » (2 Th.2: 15a).

IN CONCLUSION: Jesus Christ spoke and worked powerfully by means of the Raiamandreny, it is the life of Revival. Thus: « REVIVE THE REVIVAL, AND DO NOT DETACH FROM THE FOUNDATION ».

© D.Rabarihoela Bruno Researcher Teacher

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